The Biblical Narrative tells us that one of the primary ways we bear the Lord’s image is that we were created for relationship with the Lord and one another. What we as believers have known and proclaimed for years, numerous fields of study are now also proclaiming. There is much for us to gain in drawing from the fields of attachment, developmental psychology and interpersonal neurobiology that can help us understand God’s good design of the maturing brain and the conditions in which children flourish and human development unfolds.
GROW equips caregivers in these areas:
Our early caregiving relationships and experiences impact our own brain development, and shape our emotional and relational patterns across the lifespan. An awareness of these patterns can bring insight, healing and connection and provide opportunities for new patterns to develop and generational changes to unfold.
Childhood lays the foundation for physical and emotional growth and maturation. Oftentimes growing in understanding of the purpose and tasks of the stages of development can cultivate understanding, compassion and patience in caregivers, while reducing frustration, confusion, and anxiety.
We support caregivers with practical tools to care well for their children in the midst of big emotions, difficult and confusing behaviors and a growing brain. How children are cared for in these vulnerable moments significantly shapes their relational, emotional and spiritual growth and health.
We are given a Biblical mandate to welcome neighbors and strangers. This includes inviting children and teens to be in relationship with us through warmth, safety, play and delight.